Sending a File 35
optcd specifies optional processing associated with this file. This specification only applies to this file
and is not automatically applied to the other files involved in the RECEIVE operation. Valid options
W performs write validity checks on direct access storage devices.
Q performs ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversion for input files and EBCDIC-to-ASCII conversion for
output files. Q is the default and only used for AL-labeled tape files.
Z performs reduced error recovery for tape files.
recfm specifies the format of the records in the file. You can specify any valid record format, such as:
F specifies fixed format.
FA specifies fixed format with ASA printer control.
FB specifies fixed block format.
FBA specifies fixed block format with ANSI carriage control.
FM specifies fixed format with machine code control character.
U specifies undefined format.
V specifies variable format.
VB specifies variable block format.
VBA specifies variable block format with ASA printer control.
VBM specifies variable block format with machine code control character.
VS specifies variable spanned format.
VBS specifies variable block spanned format.
For FDR volumes, you must specify RECFM=U.
rkp specifies the position of the first byte of the record key within each logical record. The beginning
byte of a record is addressed as 0.
trtch specifies the magnetic tape mode setting. When coded together, the TRTCH and DEN values
select a tape device for allocation by Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS. Valid options are:
C specifies data conversion, odd parity, and no translation.
E specifies no data conversion, even parity, and no translation.
T specifies no data conversion, odd parity, and BCD or EBCDIC translation.
ET specifies no data conversion, even parity, and BCD or EBCDIC translation.
COMP is a feature for 3480X tape drives only. It enables Improved Data Recording Capability
(IDRC), which compresses the data. This subparameter overrides the system-wide IDRC setting
for no compression. If you are specifying COMP, you must also include a UNIT= parameter that
specifies either 3480X or a systems programmer-defined name equivalent to a 3480X tape drive.
NOCOMP overrides the system-wide IDRC setting for compression. It applies to 3480X tape
drives only.
TDISP (current, normal end, abnormal end)
specifies the status of the file on the receiving node.
current specifies the status of the file before the operation executes. Valid choices for this
subparameter are:
indicates that the current Sterling Connect:Direct operation creates the destination file or
OLD indicates that the destination member already exists. The operation has exclusive control of
the member. If the destination member does not exist, the operation fails.