Océ Matrix Logic® (optional)
Applications Océ Matrix Logic®, integrated Matrix Copy solution
Platform Océ Power Logic® Controller with embedded Windows
Function Allows you to form in one single operation different copy
sets from one set of originals
Drivers and job submission software
Océ HDI driver For AutoCAD® 2000
Windows® 95/98/2000, NT 4.0® and XP
Océ Windows driver Windows® 95/98/2000, NT 4.0® and XP
PostScript Level 3
For Windows® 95/98/2000, NT 4.0® and XP
Macintosh® OS 7.x/8.x
Océ Print Exec® LT Single seat job submission software for Windows®
95/98/2000, NT 4.0®, XP and Millennium
Océ Print Exec®
Multi-seat job submission and back channel
communication software using standard web browsers:
Internet Explorer® 4.02 SP2 or higher and Netscape® 4.08
or higher
Océ Repro Desk A
print management solution for the reprographer
and their clients.
Optional: Integrated Folder and reinforcement unit
Folding methods Standard (DIN), Ericsson, Afnor-like
Fan fold or fan fold & cross fold
Length: 276 - 310 mm
Width: 186 -230 mm
Binding strip: 15 -30 mm
Paper size Width: 279 -914 mm
Length: 210 -2,500 mm
210 - 2,500 mm for fan fold and cross fold at 75 grams,
up to 6000 mm fan fold only at 75 grams
First fold exit Extra bin for fanfold
Noise level < 67 dB(A) operating; 0 dB(A) stand-by
Dimensions 2430 mm (W) x 1560 mm (D) x 1400 mm (H) (excluding
reinforcement unit including printer)
2560 mm (W) x 1560 mm (H) x 1400 mm (D) (including
reinforcement unit and printer)