e1 Let Windows 95 automatically find the drivers for you. This
is recommended. To do this click the Next button 3 times.
This lets Windows 95 automatically modify the following
e2 Choose the drivers yourself if none are selected. This is
recommended only for experienced users.
e3 Override choices made by Windows 95. This is not
recommended. Only experienced users should attempt this.
f This is the next to last dialog box for the wizard. It should read
as follows: “You have finished the PC card wizard. To enable
32-bit support, click Finish, and then restart your computer for
the changes to take effect.” Click on the Finish button.
g A final box should appear entitled “System Settings Change”. It
should read as follows: “You must shut down Windows and
TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF to continue setting up this PC
Card device. Would you like to shut down your computer now?”
Click Yes. Make sure that the computer is completely turned off
before turning it back on.
8 Insert your Intel CardBus adapter. Windows 95 should now detect
the Intel card, and put up a dialog box. It should automatically
load the drivers from the Windows 95 directory. If it asks you to
supply a manufacturer’s disk, insert the Intel Network Drivers
Disk. Press Enter. It will ask you to restart now. Choose yes. (We
recommend copying the Windows 95 RETAIL or WIN95
directory to your hard disk so that you won’t be dependent on the
CD-ROM every time you need to reinstall.)
Windows 95 version 4.00.950b (OSR2) - The CardBus Adapter
is detected by Windows 95 OSR2 but does not initialize or
continues to show errors in Device Manager after changing
The PRO/100 CardBus adapter may need to be installed manually if
Windows 95 OSR2 detects the PRO/100 CardBus adapter but does not
initialize or continues to show errors in Device Manager after changing
resources. (To determine whether you have Windows 95 OSR2, go to
Settings, Control Panel, and System. The General tab in the System
Properties window will list the version of Windows 95 installed on your
system. The OSR2 version is 4.00.950b.)
Once the CardBus Adapter has been installed into a PC Card slot, Plug and
Play and hot swapping in that PC Card slot are disabled. However, the other
PC Card slot will continue to function normally, enabling Plug and Play and
HotSwap of 16-bit and 32-bit PC Cards.