Network Support—Chapter 4
143700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
GSM/GPRS WAN Monitor -Gen e ral
GSM/GPRS WAN Monitor - Details
WAN M onitor — Details
Below are descriptions and meanings for each piece of information pro-
vided via the Details tab. Most of this is similar to what is shown under
the General tab. Note that the information is listed alphabetically.
Firmware Rev Identifies the firmware version, if avaialble.
IMEI # The IMEI (International Mobile station Equipment Identity) s erial number of the GSM/GPRS
radio module.
IMSI # Shows the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) number ass i gned to the SIM card
installed in this 760 Computer.
Manufacturer Lists the name of the manufacturer that developed this radio module, such as “Siemens.”
Model Lists the product name for this radio module, such as “MC45.”
Net Provider Lists the name of the service providing the network support.
RSSI Displays the RSSI frequency or lists “Unavailable” if there is no signal or the signal cannot be
retrieved from the radio module.
SIM Status Identifies whether a SIM card is installed in this 760 Computer.