Programming—Chapter 7
231700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
This section, u nder the [DefaultInstall] section, describes the default files
to copy to the target device. Within the [DefaultInstall] section, files were
listed that must be defined elsewhere in the INF file. This section identi-
fies that mapping and may contain flags.
Required? Yes
S copyfile_list_section: destination_filename,[source_filename]
The source_filename parameter is optional if it is the same as destina-
S copyfile_list_section: flags
les. The following table shows values supported by Windows CE.
Flag Value Description
COPYFLG_WARN_IF_SKIP 0x00000001 Warn user if skipping a file is attempted after error.
COPYFLG_NOSKIP 0x00000002 Do not allow a user to skip copying a file.
COPYFLG_NO_OVERWRITE 0x00000010 Do not overwrite files in destination directory.
COPYFLG_REPLACEONLY 0x00000400 Copy the source file to the destination directory only if the
file is already in the destination directory.
CE_COPYFLG_NO_DATE_DIALOG 0x20000000 Do not c opy files if the target file is newer.
CE_COPYFLG_NODATECHECK 0x40000000 Ignore date while overwriting the targe t file.
CE_COPYFLG_SHARED 0x80000000 Create a reference when a shared DLL is counted.
CopyFiles = Files.Common, Files.SH3
CopyFiles = Files.Common, Files.MIPS