Intermec 700 Laptop User Manual

ProgrammingChapter 7
281700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
Call this function to set the desired Network Mode.
Syntax UINT SetNetworkMode( ULONG );
Parameters NDIS_NET_MODE_IBSS 802.11 Ad-Hoc Mode.
NDIS_NET_MODE_ESS 802.11 Infrastructure Mode.
NDIS_NET_MODE_UNKNOWN Anything Else/Unknown Error
NDIS_NET_AUTO_UNKNOWN Automatic Selection. Use of this option is not supported or
NDIS_NET_TYPE_OFD M_5G 5Gigahertz54Mbps
NDIS_NET_TYPE_OFD M_2_4G 802.11 2.4 Gigahertz
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the radio f ailed.
Remarks None.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_SetNetworkMode)(ULONG);
UINT SetNetworkMode(ULONG);
Call this function to set the desired power mode.
Syntax UINT SetPowerMode( ULONG mode );
Parameters NDIS_RADIO_POWER_MODE_CAM Continuous Access Mode (ie: always on).
NDIS_RAD IO_POWER_UNKNOWN Unknown power mode.
NDIS_RADIO_POWER_AUTO Auto. (Available for 730 Comp uters)
NDIS_RADIO_POWER_MODE_FAST_PSP Fast PSP, good savings, fast
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when the query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with the radio f ailed.
Remarks None.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_SetPowerMode)(ULONG mode);
UINT SetPowerMode(ULONG mode);