Intermec 700 Laptop User Manual

ProgrammingChapter 7
288 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Call this function to switch between available packet drivers on the system.
Syntax UINT SwitchPacketDriver( USHORT );
Parameters INTERMEC_PACKET_DRIVER Intermec Packet Driver (ZNICZIO)
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful.
Remarks After switching to a new packet driver, perform a warm boot for changes to take effect.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_SwitchPacketDriver)(USHORT);
UINT SwitchPacketDriver(USHORT);
Deprecated Functions
The following functions are deprecated. While these are not removed from
the API, these are no longer supported. Their parameters are no longer
applicable and the return value for all of these functions is:
Function Syntax
GetRTSThreshold(Deprecated) UINT GetRTSThreshold( USHORT & );
GetMedia(Deprecated) UINT GetMedia( ULONG & );
GetMedium(Deprecated) UINT GetMedium( ULONG & );
GetNicStats(Deprecated) UINT GetNicStats( NDIS_802_11_STATISTICS & );
SetRTSThreshold(Deprecated) UINT SetRTSThreshold( USHORT & );
SetTXRate(Deprecated) UINT SetTXRate( UCHAR );
EncryptWepKeyForRegistry(Deprecated) UINT EncryptWepKeyForRegistry( TCHAR * szDest,
TCHAR * szSource );
SetDiversity(Deprecicated) UINT SetDiversity( USHORT );