After installing the serial or communication (COM) port, configure the printer and the computer so they can
communicate. Make sure you have connected the serial cable to the COM port on your printer.
1 Set the parameters in the printer:
a From the printer control panel, navigate to the menu with port settings.
b Locate the menu with serial port settings.
c Make any necessary changes to the serial settings.
d Save the new settings, and then print a menu settings page.
2 Install the printer driver:
a Insert the Software and Documentation CD.
If the installation screen does not appear after a minute, then launch the CD manually::
1 Click , or click Start and then click Run.
2 In the Start Search or Run box, type D:\setup.exe, where D is the letter of the CD or DVD drive.
3 Press Enter, or click OK.
b Click Advanced Options > Custom Install.
c Follow the instructions on the computer screen
d From the Configure Printer Connection dialog, select Connect through a port discovered on your computer,
and then select a port.
e If the port is not in the list, then click Refresh.
Navigate to:
Add port > select a port type > enter necessary information > OK
f Click Continue.
1 If you want to add another printer, then click Add Another.
2 If you want to make changes, then select a printer, and then click Edit.
3 Follow the instructions on the computer screen.
g Click Finish.
3 Set the COM port parameters:
After installing the printer driver, set the serial parameters in the COM port assigned to the printer driver.
Note: Make sure the serial parameters in the COM port match the serial parameters you set in the printer.
a Open the Device Manager.
1 Click , or click Start and then click Run.
2 In the Start Search or Run box, type devmgmt.msc.
3 Press Enter, or click OK.
b Look for Ports, and then click + to expand the list of available ports.
c Right‑click the COM port where you attached the serial cable to your computer (example: COM1).
d Click Properties.
e On the Port Settings tab, set the serial parameters to the same serial parameters in the printer.
Check the serial heading of the menu settings page for the printer settings.
f Click OK, and then close all the windows.
g Print a test page to verify printer installation.
Additional printer setup 57