
OmniTek XR User Guide, Software Release 2.3 Page 37
The principal effect of ticking this option is to control the action of the Auto Detect circuit.
Ticking Dual-link forces the Auto Detect circuit to interpret whatever format it next finds
on Link A or Link B as a dual-link format.
Ticking Dual-link also extends the drop-down menu of supported video standards. All the
single link formats are listed as for the regular XR system, but underneath these is a list
of supported Dual Link formats, including 2K formats.
Note: Ticking Dual-link does not of itself cause the unit to switch into, or out of, Dual Link
mode. You must check the video standard specified in the drop down box to see if the
current input stream is being interpreted as a single or a dual video format. You should
also note that, when Dual Link operation is selected, the Auto detect circuit only samples
the link selected on the Video: Dual Link page as providing the serial lock (see page 25).
Window Toolbar
This is the main toolbar. It contains controls to open the various windows used by the
application, plus quick access to some commonly required functions.
Generator window icon. This icon calls up the Generator window described on page
70. Note: This icon is only present if the system includes the Motion-Capture module.
Video Status icon. Opens a window giving details of the status of the video signals. The
Video Status information is described in the section on Video Checking Features, starting
on page 84.
Audio Status icon. Opens a window giving details of the status of the audio signals. The
Audio Status information is described in the section on Audio Checking Features, which
starts on page 89.
Mini-Pic icon. Opens the Mini-Pic window, where you can see a representation of the
video that is currently being analysed. This is especially useful with video formats with a
particularly low frame rate, which cannot normally be displayed on conventional HD
monitors. Refer to page 50 for details.
Waveform icon. Opens the Waveform window, where waveforms are displayed in the
form set using the extended control surface within the Waveform window – independent
of the actual format of the incoming video. The menus used to configure how the window
contents are displayed are detailed on page 39.
Waveform Histogram icon. Opens the Waveform Histogram window, which permits
detailed analysis of the colour information. See page 61 for details of the Waveform
Histogram window.
Gamut icon. Opens a window that displays the current range (minimum to maximum) of
YCbCr, RGB and Composite colour information, together with details of the percentage
of pixels that fall outside the required range. See page 49 for details.
Vector Scope icon. Enables/Disables the Vector Scope. Like the Waveform window, the
Vector Scope window contains menus to let you configure the display. See page 53 for
Data View icon. Enables/Disables the Data View. See page 44 for details.