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2. Click New. The User Properties dialog box appears
Figure 13. User Properties Dialog Box
3. Complete the following fields as appropriate for the specific user:
Username: The username is case sensitive and can be a maximum of 64 characters.
Full Name: Enter the user’s proper name.
Password: The password is case sensitive and can be a maximum of 64 characters. The user can change the
password at any time.
Confirm Password: Re-type the password entered in the password field. If the two entries differ, an error message appears.
User Priority: This option is not used at this time.
Permissions: Select the check boxes beside the user permissions appropriate for the new user. For a complete
description of the available permissions, refer to the User Permissions Table.
4. Click OK.
User Permissions
Each User ID can be configured with specific user permissions, allowing the user access to specific functionality in the software.
Table A. User Permissions Table
Can Add/Remove Users The user can create, edit, and delete user accounts. Pelco recommends that this capability be
restricted to system administrators only.
Can Alter Device Configurations/
Manage Databases
The user can add, edit, and delete equipment and wiring on the device configuration diagram.
The user can also access advanced switcher properties. Most users should not have access to
this capability.
Can Configure FTP Sites The user can add and edit proxy and FTP server settings.
Can Define Automation Functions The user can access the automation functions, which include the sequence, macro, and
schedule editors, digital output control (if a digital device is installed), and the camera following
Can Configure/Edit Maps The user can edit the site map images, including importing new images.
Can Configure Digital I/O Devices The user can edit alarm input points and relay output points.
Can Configure Auxiliary Points The user can edit camera auxiliary point names and logic settings.
Can Configure Overlay/Capture Cards The user can select the capture file format and set the compression level for JPG captures.
Can Configure VCR/Ext. Monitor Windows The user can alter the configuration of VCRs and monitors within their drag and drop windows.