26 C1534M (1/06)
2. Click the map in the desired icon location. The appropriate Place Icon dialog box appears, displaying a list of the cameras, alarms, or
macros available.
Figure 23. Place Camera Dialog Box
3. Click the desired camera, alarm, or macro from the list, and then click OK. The icon appears on the map.
Figure 24. Camera Icon on Site Map
Change a Map Icon Color
1. Right-click the camera, alarm, or macro icon that you wish to change, and then select Edit Icon Color from the pop-up menu.
2. The color selection palette appears. Click a color to replace the default color for the selected icon. To return to the default icon color, click
the Default Color field.
3. Click OK.
Move a Map Icon
1. Click the pointer tool on the editing tool bar.
2. Click the desired icon.
3. Drag the icon to a new location.
Alternate Step 3
Use the keyboard arrow keys to move the icon to the new location.
Delete Map Icons
1. Click the pointer tool on the editing tool bar.
2. Right-click the desired icon, and then select Delete from the pop-up menu.
3. The selected icon is removed from the site map.
Deleting an icon removes the icon from the site map, but it will not delete the device from the system. To remove a device from the system,
refer to Delete a Device in the System Configuration section.
Zoom a Map Image
Use the Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom 1 to 1, and Zoom to Page icons on the site map window to increase or decrease the size of the currently active
map image. To use the Zoom In icon, click Zoom In, and then click the site map. Release the mouse button or drag a box around the section of the
map that you want to enlarge.
Figure 25. Zoom Icons