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3. Specify the event interval in the Run section and the Start At setting in the Start At section. Table D describes the schedule options:
Table D. Scheduled Events Schedule Options
4. In the Macro section of the Edit Schedule dialog box, select a macro from the drop-down box of available macros.
5. Click OK to return to the Scheduled Events dialog box.
6. Click Close to return to the site map window.
Run schedule Start At options
Monthly Specify the time of day and day of the month.
Hourly Specify how many minutes past the hour.
Weekly Specify the time of day and day of the week.
By Minutes Specify the interval in minutes.
Daily 1. Click Which Days, and then specify the appropriate days in the Which Days dialog box.
Figure 40. Which Days Dialog Box
2. Click OK to return to the Edit Schedule dialog box.
3. Specify the time of day the event is to run.
Sun Rise/Set 1. Click Setup to open the Sunrise/Sunset Setup dialog box, and then specify the appropriate settings:
Figure 41. Sunrise/Sunset Setup Dialog Box
Time: Select Sunrise or Sunset.
Plus/Minus: Specify how many minutes before or after the event should run.
Latitude/Longitude: Specify the latitude and longitude of the workstation site (needed for calculating the
exact time that sunrise and sunset will occur during the year).
By Seconds Specify the interval in seconds.
Once Specify the time of day and calendar date.