20 C1534M (1/06)
1. In the Users dialog box select the desired user name from the list of users.
2. Click Delete.
3. Click OK.
1. In the Users dialog box select the desired user name from the list of users.
2. Click Edit. The Edit User Properties dialog box appears.
3. Change the user’s properties as necessary.
4. Click OK.
The copy utility allows an administrator to create standard user accounts quickly.
1. In the Users dialog box select the user name of a typical user from the list of users.
2. Click Copy. The Edit User Properties dialog box appears.
3. Change the user name (the default is “Copy of <original user name>”) and other properties as necessary.
4. Click OK.
The following options can be configured either by the system administrator or by the user. Each option setting is saved with the user profile and
remains active each time the user logs onto the system.
Change General Options
1. Select Edit > Options from the site map menu bar. The Options dialog box appears.
Figure 14. User Options Dialog Box
2. Select the following options as appropriate:
Hotlinks: Select Always Visible to make the hot link regions on site maps visible. Select Only Visible When Editing
Map to make the hot link regions on site maps visible only when the map is being edited.
Video Minimize: Select this option to make all VMX200 video windows minimize on the Windows desktop whenever the
Site Map window is minimized.
3. Click OK.