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3. Click Edit. The color selection palette appears, showing both the default color for the selected icon along with the new setting.
Figure 21. Color Selection Palette
4. Select a new color for the device icon.
5. Click OK. The new default color will be applied each time a new icon of that device-type is added to the selected map.
6. Repeat for each map that requires a change in default icon colors. To change the color of a specific icon while editing an individual map,
refer to Change a Map Icon Color in the Edit Site Maps section.
Edit Site Maps
Site Map images can be edited to include items such as camera, alarm, or macro icons, and links to associated maps. To enter the site map
editing mode:
1. Select > Edit > Site Map.
Alternate Step 1
Right-click the map image, and then select Edit Map from the pop-up menu.
2. The editing tool bar appears.
Figure 22. Editing Tool Bar
To exit the edit mode, click the X in the top right corner of the editing tool bar.
Add a Map Icon
1. Click the camera, alarm, or macro button on the editing tool bar. The mouse pointer changes to the selected icon.
NOTE: To add a macro or an alarm to the map, you must have previously defined the macro or alarm within the VMX210 system. Refer to
Configure Macros and Configure Input/Output Points in the Additional Configuration section for more information.