SN0054628-00 A 4-1
Section 4
Using the SANbox SSP
This section provides procedures for using the SANbox SSP, including SAN zoning,
configuring storage, creating virtual disks, interpreting LEDs, and shutting down.
This section describes the following procedures:
■ Setting up a High-Availability Configuration
■ SAN Zoning
■ Directly Connecting Devices to SANbox SSP
■ Configuring Storage
■ Using the SVM GUI to Manage Virtual Storage
■ Shutting Down SANbox SSP
Setting up a High-Availability Configuration
Table 4-1 provides the specific requirements for each component that is part of the
recommended high-availability configuration. The table presents the information for
a highly available configuration with a single host.
Table 4-1. Required Configuration for the Components
of a High-Availability System
Required Configuration per Component
Host 1
■ Supported high-availability or multi-pathing software
■ Connected to both SANbox SSPs in the high-availability
solution, and not connected to any other SANbox SSPs.
HBA 2 per host
■ Each connected to one SANbox SSP (directly or through
a fabric). Each must see only one SANbox SSP.
SANbox SSP 2
■ Each can access all storage ports.
■ Each connected to both SVM appliances through the
back-side fabric.
StoreAge SVM
■ Each one connected through the back-side fabric to both
SANbox SSPs.
■ Each one can access all storage ports.