10 C/C++ Expressions
10.2.8 When No C Symbol is Found
If the calculated expression contained a C symbol that could not be found, it is displayed as follows:
() x = <not active>(all Radices)
10.2.9 Syntax Errors
• When the calculated expression contains a syntax error, it is displayed as follows:
() str*(p = <syntax error>(all Radices)
(where str*(p is the syntax error)
10.2.10 Structure and Union Types
• When the result of calculation is a structure or union type, the address is displayed in hex as
(Data) v = 0x1234 (all Radices)
If, as in structures and unions, the C/C++ expression consists of members, a '+' is displayed to the left
of the type name (tag name).
You can double-click on lines indicated by a '+' to see the members of that structure or union. The '+'
changes to a '-' while the members are displayed. To return to the original display, double click the
line, now indicated by the '-'. This function allows you to check the members of structures and unions.
If a variable is declared with the same name as the type definition name declared by typedef, you
cannot reference that variable.
• Register Variables
When the result of calculation is a register variable, "register" is displayed to the left of the type name
as follows:
(register signed int) j = 100