Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

99Copy and Swap
Chapter 1 MVS-8000 Functions
Keyer copy and keyer swap
You can carry out copy and swap operations among the 16 keyers listed in the
following table.
If a DME is being used on the source keyer for a copy or either keyer for a
swap, then if for example there are insufficient DME channels, or the limit on
using DME channels within an M/E bank is exceeded, it may not be possible
to select the DME.
Wipe copy and wipe swap
You can copy and swap the wipe settings among the banks listed in the
following table.
Wipe copy and wipe swap in the independent key transition
control block
You can copy and swap the wipe settings among the 16 keyers listed in the
following table.
DME wipe copy and DME wipe swap
You can copy and swap the DME wipe settings among the banks listed in the
following table.
Target bank Target keyer Target data
Keys 1 to 4 Key settings excluding the following data
Setup data
Key snapshots
•Key memory
PGM/PST Downstream keys 1 to 4
Target bank Target data
Wipe settings.
It is not, however, possible to carry out copy or swap involving
independent key transition wipe settings.
Target bank Target keyer Target data
Keys 1 to 4 Wipe settings in the independent key
transition control block.
It is not, however, possible to copy or
swap wipe settings to or from an external
downstream keyer.
PGM/PST Downstream keys 1 to 4