Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

name displays 290
Space button 332
Speed 66
Sphere 138
Spin 117
Spiral 71, 453
Split 64, 135, 444, 566
fader 373
slide 135
Spotlighting 143
Spring 70, 453
Squeeze 567, 575, 580
Standard wipe patterns 60
Standard wipes 560
Start up state 192
Status area 322
Status menu 556
STOP NEXT KF button 284
Sub (subsidiary) mask 56
using 399, 414
Subsidiary menu site 335
SUPER MIX 261, 311
Super mix 42
settings 349
Swap 98, 544
Swirl 139
Switcher setup 198
configuration 187
features 22
reset 192
setup 187
Tally interface setup 203
Target coordinate space 110
TC button 330
Temporary attributes 169,
coordinate space 110
parameter display 122
parameters 112
transformations 110
Time offset execution 39
Timecode input mode 352
Top menu list 313
Top menu selection buttons
Top menu window 332
TRACE button 270
Trail 142
TRANS PVW button 262,
Transformation operation
modes 116
auto 45
execution 44, 351
indicator 307
manual 45
mode 171
next 34
operating procedure 340
preview 46, 363
Transition control block
simple type 299
standard type 260
Transition execution
section 261, 302, 311
with the fader lever 359
Transition indicator 261, 311
function 351
Transition rate 352
display 262, 311
setting by a menu
operation 355
setting in the Flexi Pad
control block 353
setting in the MISC menu
setting in the numeric
keypad control block
Transition type 41
selecting by a menu
operation 348
selection buttons 261,
301, 311
Trim button 330
Twist 133
UNDO button 266, 303
User preference button 294
User programmable DME
574, 578
Notes on keyframe
creation 484
patterns 483
transition mode 75, 483
User regions 165
User texture pattern 149
UTIL button 258
Utility 185
Utility/shotbox control block
V/K mode 88
VF buttons 322
processing 24, 405
signal adjustment 51
switching 200
Video process 107
memory 108
settings 557
VTR control 161
Wave 131
Wind 143
Window adjustment 51, 385
WIPE 261, 263, 311
Wipe 44, 60
copy 99
enhanced 60
modify clear 454
mosaic 60
pattern list 560
random/diamond dust 60
rotary 60
standard 60
swap 99
Wipe crop 126
Wipe direction 444, 456
selection buttons 262,
302, 312
Wipe modifiers 443