Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

Basic Procedure for Wipe Settings
Chapter 5 Wipes
a) See page 68.
When turning [Aspect] on and setting the aspect ratio of the pattern
a) See page 67.
When turning [Angle] on in the <Rotation> group and slanting the
a) See page 66.
When turning [Speed] on in the <Rotation> group and rotating the
pattern at a constant rate
a) See page 66.
To adjust color 1, set [Color 1] on, and to adjust color 2 set [Color 2] on,
then adjust the parameters.
To interchange color 1 and color 2, press the [Color Invert] button, turning
it on.
Setting the wipe position (Positioner)
You can set the position independently for the main pattern and sub pattern.
In the M/E-1 >Wipe menu, select HF5 ‘Main Modify.’
The Main Modify menu appears.
In the <Position> group, press [Position], turning it on, and set the pattern
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Aspect Aspect ratio
–100.00 to +100.00
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Angle Angle of pattern rotation
–100.00 to +100.00
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Speed Rotation rate of pattern
–100.00 to +100.00
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Luminance Luminance 0.00 to 100.00
2 Saturation Saturation 0.00 to 100.00
3 Hue Hue 359.99 to 0.00