Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

Multi Program 2
Chapter 1 MVS-8000 Functions
Select the switcher bank, then in the <PTN LIMIT/LIMIT SET/KF Button
Assign> group, press [Main/Sub].
You can now use the [PTN LIMIT] button as [MAIN], and the [LIMIT
SET] button as [SUB].
To assign to the wipe direction selection buttons (NORM and
NORM REV) in the transition control block
This applies to a standard type and compact type transition control block.
For details of the transition control block (standard type), see page 260, and
for details of the transition control block (compact type), see page 310.
In the Transition Module menu, select the switcher bank.
In the <NORM/NORM REV/REV Button Assign> group, press [Main/
You can now use the [NORM] button as [MAIN], and the [NORM/REV]
button as [SUB].
To assign to macro buttons in the cross-point control block
For details of the cross-point control block, see page 256.
In the Engineering Setup >Panel >Config menu, press [Program Button].
The Program Button menu appears.
Press [Xpt Module].
The Xpt Module menu appears.
Select the switcher bank, then in the <PRE MCRO/POST MCRO> group,
press [Main Sub].
You can now use the [PRE MCRO] button as [MAIN], and the [POST
MCRO] button as [SUB].
To assign macro operations to different buttons
If in the above operation you assigned a Multi Program 2 function to the macro
buttons, you can assign the PRE MCRO and POST MCRO functions to
different buttons.
For details, see “Assigning functions to user preference buttons” or
“Assigning a function to a memory recall button in the utility/shotbox control
block” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2).