Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

Key Setting Operations Using Menus
Chapter 4 Keys
Key Modify Clear
Press [Default Recall] at the lower left of the menu display, turning it on, then
press the corresponding VF button (VF1 to VF4) to return the key settings to
their initial status.
For details of menu operations, see “Menu Operations” (page 323).
Blink Function
With the blink function, you can obtain the following effects.
Key blink: The key is alternately inserted and deleted at regular intervals. You
can set the period of blinking, and the proportion of each cycle for which
the key is inserted.
Edge blink: The key fill and key edge fill signals are interchanged at regular
intervals. You can set the period of blinking, and the proportion of each
cycle for which the original state holds.
Using the blink function
For example, to make the required settings for key 1 on the M/E-1 bank, use
the following procedure.
In the M/E-1 >Key1 menu, select HF6 ‘Transition.’
The Transition menu appears.
In the <Blink> group, select [Key Blink] or [Edge Blink] to set it on.
Set the blink parameters.
When key blink is selected
When edge blink is selected
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Blink Rate Length of blink cycle 1 to 100
2 Duty Proportion of cycle for which key
0.00 to 100.00
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Blink Rate Length of blink cycle 1 to 100
2 Duty Proportion of cycle for which
original state holds
0.00 to 100.00