Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

Basic Copy and Swap Operations
Chapter 9 Copy and Swap
Basic Copy and Swap Operations
Copy and Swap Menu Operations
There are two ways of carrying out a copy operation: by using the menus or by
a simple button operation. Swap operations, and operations on DME data can
only be done with a menu operation.
Accessing the Copy/Swap menu
In the menu operation section top menu selection buttons, press the [Copy/
Swap] button, then press VF1 ‘Copy/Swap.’ The Copy/Swap menu appears.
Here a copy/swap operation on wipe data is described by way of example,
using the Copy/Swap >Wipe menu, but the same general procedure applies to
all of the following menus.
M/E: Copying and swapping M/E data
Key: Copying and swapping key data
Wipe: Copying and swapping wipe data
DME Wipe: Copying and swapping DME wipe data
Matte: Copying and swapping matte data
Color: Copying and swapping color data
DME: Copying and swapping data by DME channels
Format Converter: Copying format converter data (for MVS-8000G only)
For details, see “Settings Relating to Signal Inputs (Input Menu)” in Chapter
16 (Volume 2).
For an overview of the concepts involved, see “Copy and Swap” (page 98).
For details of color corrector copy and swap, see Chapter 19 “Color
Corrector” (Volume 2).
Copying and swapping wipe data
As an example, to copy or swap wipe data, use the following procedure.
In the Copy/Swap menu, select HF3 ‘Wipe.’
The Copy/Swap >Wipe menu appears.
The status area shows lists for the copy/swap source on the left, and the
copy/swap destination on the right.
In the <Data Select> group, select either of the following.
Wipe: The operation applies to wipes in the transition control block.