Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

Chapter 4 Keys
Resizer allows you to apply DME-like effects such as image shrinking,
magnification and movement, as well as change of the aspect ratio, to the
processed key.
The resizer function is supported on the MVS-8000G only.
The image of the key manipulated by resizer has a one-frame delay.
Two-Dimensional Transformations of Keys
When the screen aspect ratio is 4:3 in HD format, when the resizer is used to
shrink a video image, this is applied to the 16:9 screen including the added
video on the left and right sides. Use the crop function as required to extract the
4:3 image.
Menu operations for key shrinking, magnification and movement
For example, to shrink, magnify or move key1 of the M/E-1 bank, use the
following procedure.
In the M/E-1 >Key1 >Processed Key menu, press [Resizer], turning it on.
Adjust the following parameters with the knobs.
Parameter group [1/2]
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Location X Move key
HD –99.9999 to
SD 4:3 –33.3333 to
SD 16:9 –24.9999 to