Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

503Still Image Operations
Chapter 7 Frame Memory
In the frame memory selection area, select the FM to be assigned. (See
page 495.)
To select V/K mode, press [V/K Mode], turning it on.
Press a button in the frame memory folder selection area, to select the
folder to hold the freeze image.
For details of the selection method, see page 496.
The folder selected here is the destination folder for writing the freeze
It is not possible to change the selection of this folder after the following
step 5.
An orange bar appears on the selection button for the destination folder.
Press [Edit Enable], turning it on.
The signals of frame memory source buses 1 and 2 are assigned to the pair
of FMs selected in step 2, and the combining of the background signal (the
signal providing the background for combination) and the input signal (the
signal providing the foreground for combination) is now possible.
The input signal is lowered by one line, but when you apply a freeze, the
freeze image is returned to the correct position.
To use a color matte signal for the input signal, press [Frgd Color], turning
it on.
Even when pair mode is enabled, you can make separate settings for each
Turn the knobs to adjust the following parameters.
If you turned [Frgd Color] off in step 6, if required press [Input Adjust] to
display the Input Adjust menu, and make the video process (see page 498)
and mask (see page 499) settings for the input signal.
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Luminance Luminance 0.00 to 100.00
2 Saturation Saturation 0.00 to 100.00
3 Hue Hue 359.99 to 0.00