Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

Chapter 1 MVS-8000 Functions
User1 to User8 menus
The items that can be adjusted depend on the settings in the Setup menu.
For details, see “Overall Control Panel Settings (Config Menu)” in Chapter
16 (Volume 2).
Wipe/DME Wipe Overall path settings for items relating to wipes
and DME wipes are made simultaneously.
Wipe Wipe/DME
Wipe All
Wipe Path for wipes
DME Wipe Path for DME wipes
Trans Transition path for each M/E and P/P bank
Item Paths that can be set
User1 All to User8 All Overall path settings for the following items for
each “User” are made simultaneously.
FM All Overall path settings for frame memory items
are made simultaneously.
FM Src Overall path settings for frame memory source
items are made simultaneously.
FM Src All
FM Src1 Path for frame memory source 1 and video
FM Src2 Path for frame memory source 2 and video
FM Proc Overall path settings relating to the signal
processing other than frame memory source
and frame memory freeze outputs are made
FM Proc All
FM Proc1 Path for frame memory signal processing 1
FM Proc2 Path for frame memory signal processing 2
FM Still Store Overall path settings for frame memory freeze
image output are made simultaneously.
FM Still Store All
FM Still Store 1 to 8 Paths for frame memory freeze image outputs
1 to 8
Aux Overall path settings for AUX buses are made
Aux All
Aux 1 to 48 Paths for Aux 1 to 48
Mon Overall path settings for monitor buses are
made simultaneously.
Mon All
Mon 1 to 8 Paths for monitor buses 1 to 8
Item Paths that can be set