Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

Dead zone 487
Default recall button 323
Defocus 123
Del button 332
Delay setting 174
Delegation buttons 267
DEST button 289
Detents 115
management 193
DEVICE connectors 295
Device control block
joystick 277
search dial 278
trackball 271
Device Interface 202
Digital multi effects 109
Dim and Fade 130
Direction 64, 444, 456, 470
Disk recorder control 161
Display 269, 286
DME 109, 261, 263, 311
applying to a key 400,
channel selection buttons
setup 202
special effects 122
DME channel
copy 101
swap 101
DME monitor 270, 287, 309
DME override 549
DME patterns
user programmable 483
DME Wipe Modify Clear 83
DME wipe pattern 72
edge modification 470
groups 72
selection 466
DME wipe pattern list
for one-channel mode 566
for two-channel mode
DME wipe settings 466
for independent key
transitions 477
DME wipes 72, 465
copy 99, 100
direction 470
modifiers 469
modify clear 476
position 471, 478
resizer 481
snapshot 82, 482
swap 99, 100
Door 567
Downstream key control block
Drop border 53
parameters 411
dual resizer effects 432
effect 171
keyframe 171
modes 170
setting buttons 283
Dust mix 62, 443
Edge 65
fill 55
modifiers 52
EDIT ENBL button 282
Edit point specification
buttons 282
Editing buttons 283
EFF LOOP button 284
Effect 168
attributes 169
dissolve 169, 183
duration 171
editing 169
execution 180
resizer 427
saving/recalling 169
Effect execution direction
selection buttons 284
Emboss 54
Enhanced wipes 561
Enter button 330, 332
Explosion 138
Extended VTR control 161
key 90
processed key 270, 403,
External devices 158
connections 197
disk recorder control 161
Extended VTR control
GPI device control 160
P-Bus device control 159
shared control functions
VTR control 161
External hard disk drive 532
Fade to black 47, 369
control block 287
transition rate 369
Fader lever 261, 307, 311
Files 205
autoload function 208
backups 531
deleting 529
operations 205
renaming 530
restoring 531
Flag 132
Flex Shadow 125
Flexi Pad control block
simple type 299
standard type 264
Flip tumble 569
Flip-flop mode 45
Flying bar 134
Format converter 190
in-out 569, 581
Frame input mode 352
Frame memory
clip function 92
continuously capturing
still images (record) 91,
feed 270, 403, 418