Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

DME Wipe Settings for Independent Key Transitions
Chapter 6 DME Wipes
Select the desired DME wipe pattern group with one of the following
In two-channel mode, only Page Turn and Page Roll are selectable.
Slide/Squeeze: slide and squeeze
Split/Door: split and door
Mirror/Sphere: mirror and sphere
Character Trail: character trail
Wave/Ripple: wave and ripple
Page Turn/Roll: page turn and page roll
Frame I/O: frame in/out
2D Trans/3D Trans: 2D Trans and 3D Trans
Sparkle/Split Slide: sparkle and split slide
User Program: user programmable DME
For details of DME wipe patterns, see “Types of DME Wipe Pattern”
(page 72) and “DME Wipe Pattern List” in Appendix (Volume 1) (page
The patterns from the selected pattern group appear on the screen.
Press the button to select the desired pattern.
Setting Independent Key Transition DME Wipe
You can add modifiers such as pattern position and size for an independent key
transition DME wipe.
For introductory information, see “Positioner” (page 80) and “Size” (page
Setting the DME wipe position (Positioner)
For applicable pattern numbers, see page 80.
In the <Position> group of the Key1 DME Wipe Adjust menu, press
[Position], turning it on.
Set the following parameters.
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 H Horizontal position –200.00 to +200.00
2 V Vertical position –200.00 to +200.00