Sony 8000SF Switch User Manual

471Basic Procedure for DME Wipe Settings
Chapter 6 DME Wipes
When border is selected
When soft border is selected
Display indications when multiple channels are selected at the same
The indications on the knobs show the settings of the lowest-numbered
channel. When you turn the knobs to adjust the settings, this changes the
settings on the other channels by the same amount.
Setting the DME wipe position (Positioner)
In the M/E-1 >DME Wipe menu, select HF5 ‘Modify.’
The Modify menu appears.
Depending on whether the DME wipe pattern is in one-channel mode or
two-channel mode, proceed as follows.
For a pattern in one-channel mode: press [1st Ch], turning it on.
For a pattern in two-channel mode: from the <Ch Select> group, select
the corresponding channel. You can select more than one channel at
the same time.
In the <Position> group, press [Position], turning it on.
Set the following parameters.
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Width Border width 0.00 to 100.00
3 Luminance Luminance 0.00 to 100.00
4 Saturation Saturation 0.00 to 100.00
5 Hue Hue 359.99 to 0.00
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 Width Border width 0.00 to 100.00
2 Inner Soft Border inner softness 0.00 to 100.00
3 Luminance Luminance 0.00 to 100.00
4 Saturation Saturation 0.00 to 100.00
5 Hue Hue 359.99 to 0.00
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 H Horizontal position –200.00 to +200.00