Palette Utilities
This chapter tells you about
❑ PAL, which controls built-in LCD gray shades and
colors as well as external monitor colors
❑ RPAL, which enables you to make real-time changes to
gray shades or colors on the
LCD or color combinations
on an external color monitor
Color Display Utilities...................................................... 6-2
PAL Utility....................................................................... 6-3
Changing to a Predefined Palette ................................. 6-3
Changing Specific Shades ........................................... 6-3
Other Ways to Select a Predefined Palette.................... 6-4
Viewing the Current Palette......................................... 6-4
Installing RPAL ........................................................... 6-6
RPAL Switches ............................................................ 6-6
Using RPAL ................................................................. 6-8
Saving an RPAL Data File............................................ 6-9
Adding RPAL to Your AUTOEXEC.BAT File................ 6-10
PALSET Utility .............................................................. 6-11
Modifying Gray Scale Palettes.................................... 6-11
Palette Utilities 6-1