Editing a Waveform
To edit a waveform, select the portion of the waveform file
you want to cut, copy, or paste. You can either:
❑ Click on the mouse button while the insertion point is
in the waveform view area and drag the mouse until a
portion of the waveform is highlighted.
❑ Hold down the SHIFT key and click the mouse button
at a point in the view area. This method selects a
region between the current insertion point (if no
position has been selected, the selection begins at the
beginning of the view area) and the position where the
mouse is clicked.
Zooming into a Larger View
You can zoom into a portion of the waveform by double
clicking inside the view area. Once you have this zoom
view, it is possible to see a wider range of frequencies. You
can then select the portion of the waveform you want to
edit by clicking and dragging over the waveform section.
Edit by pressing the SHIFT key and clicking the left mouse
button simultaneously. This highlights the region between
the two selection points.
Pocket Recorder
10-4 Sound