Later Date Pressing L at the Include prompt displays the
same File Date prompt as the Earlier Date
prompt described previously, and works the
same except
LFM includes all files after the
date you specify.
Select All Press S or ENTER at the Include prompt to
include all files in the directory. This option is
particularly useful if you first select all files
and then use the Exclude command described
previously to remove certain files from the
tagged list.
Ignore Press I at the Include prompt if you do not
want to use any of its options to select files.
LFM then prompts at the bottom of the screen
File pattern: [ *.* ]
At this prompt you can type file patterns to
use to include files. For example, type the
filename pattern *
.TXT to include all files with
that extension in the tagged listing. See the
MS-DOS User’s Guide and Reference.
Print Command
The LFM Print command enables you to send the
highlighted file to your system printer or other device
connected to your computer via the
LPT or COM ports. Using
F10 (SETUP), the
LFM Setup Commands, and the
Pathnames/Options Setup screen described previously, you
can select the printer port (
LPT parallel or COM serial) and
whether or not to use the
MS-DOS PRINT command.
LFM Print command prints your file as recorded, with
no pagination or perforation-skip capabilities. You must
embed the appropriate printer control characters and
escape sequences in your file to control your printer (see
your printer’s user manual). Since most applications
Character Key Commands
7-24 Laptop File Manager