Acer 4000M Laptop User Manual

If your hard drive is configured as drive C, the RAM
disk is drive D.
If your hard drive is drive C and your hard drive is
drive D, the
RAM disk is drive E.
SMARTDRV is a disk-caching program that reduces the time
it takes your computer to read data from the hard disk.
SMARTDRV is installed, information from the hard
disk is temporarily stored in a cache in Extended or
Expanded memory. When needed, the data can be accessed
by the processor directly from the cache memory. The data
on the hard disk is updated automatically to reflect the
changes in the data stored in the cache.
Installing SMARTDRV .SYS
To install SMARTDRV.SYS in its simplest form, include the
following command line in your
In this form, a 256-KB cache will be set up in Extended
If you need to specify a particular size for the cache, or if
you want the cache to be in Expanded memory, refer to
MS-DOS and Windows manuals.
Memory Device Drivers
Configuring Memory F-9