RF Multiplexer Switch Modules 7
34980A User’s Guide 179
Example: Clearing the cycle count for a relay The following command resets
the cycle count on the channels 103 and 201 for a module in slot 1.
DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes:CLEar (@1103,1201)
Example: Resetting module to power-on state The following command resets
a module in slot 4 to its power- on state.
34941A and 34942A Simplified Schematic
Both the 34941A and 34942A modules are configured alike. They each
contain four banks of latching switches. Each bank consists of three form
C relays.
The front panel of the two RF MUXmodules are similar with channel
labels in the same positions, the unique product number on the left, and
the product description on the right.
301 302 303 304 404403402401COM COM
101 102 103 104 204203202201COM COM
Quad 1x4
xx Ohm
Bank 1 Bank 2
Bank 3 Bank 4