50 34980A User’s Guide
2 Features and Functions
Sweep Count
The sweep count sets the number of sweeps per trigger event during a
scan (a sweep is one pass through the scan list). The front-panel sample
annunciator (“*”) turns on during each measurement.
• The sweep count is valid only while scanning. If no channels have been
assigned to the scan list, the specified sweep count is ignored (no error
is generated).
• You can specify a sweep count in conjunction with a trigger count and
a sample count. The three parameters operate independent of one
another, and the total number of readings returned will be the product
of the three parameters.
• You can store at least 500,000 readings in memory and all readings are
automatically time stamped. If memory overflows, the new readings will
overwrite the first (oldest) readings stored; the most recent readings are
always preserved.
• The
CONFigure and MEASure? commands automatically set the sweep
count to 1 sweep.
• The instrument sets the sweep count to 1 after a Factory Reset
*RST command). An Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command) or
Card Reset (
SYSTem:CPON command) does not change the setting.
Front Panel Operation: Scan (Configure) > SWEEP COUNT
Remote Interface Operation: SWEep:COUNt
Sweep count
Sweep 1Trigger
Sweep Count
(1 to 500,000 sweeps)
Sweep 2
Sweep n
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