Using advanced features
210 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
The Servers tab is used for adding backup directory servers to a specific security gateway.
There is no practical limit on how many backups you can configure. Backup servers can be
added at anytime, and they can be organized so that when one fails, a specific one can be used
as a backup.
To install additional servers, see your iPlanet Directory Server documentation for instructions.
The following procedure only establishes it as a backup server. The Directory Servers tab is
shown in Figure 66
Figure 66: The Directory Servers tab
Servers list presents a list of available directory servers. Three columns appear which include
IP address or DNS Name, port, and SSL state.
Move Up/Down arrows are provided to change the position of the highlighted server.
Edit/Delete/Add buttons are provided at the bottom of the pane.
Add servers
Brings up a dialog box to add additional servers. Enter the new server’s IP address or DNS
Name. The Locate This Server box contains three radio buttons used to place the new server:
● Beginning of List
● End of List (default)
● After Selected Item