Monitoring your network
250 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
12. Type in the following command line to create a directory for the syslog file, its size limit,
protocol used, port number.
● If you want the size of the log file to be limited to a specific size, type in a specific size in
kilobytes, otherwise the 8000 KB (8 MB) default size will be used.
● If the default UDP port numbers were not used in Step 6, type in the number used. The
default values is 514 for UDP.
13. When you want to send the configuration to the security gateway, click Update Devices
from the VPNmanager Console.
Using Monitor
When the Monitor button on the Main Console screen is selected, the Monitoring Wizard is
launched. This wizard facilitates quick and easy construction of the desired presentation format
and VPN information you wish to monitor. Once this setup is completed, the data and its
presentation type is displayed on your VPNmanager console screen and is dynamically
updated at your specified intervals. A hardcopy can be printed on demand.
Enterprise MIB
Monitoring is accomplished by selecting specific MIB objects from MIB-II and the VPNet
Enterprise MIB within the VSUs or SGs. These individual items are assembled into
preconfigured report groups for convenience. Individual parameters are also available for
creating custom monitoring groups.
Monitoring wizard
The Monitoring wizard is designed to help you quickly set up the VPN objects and parameter
groups you wish to monitor, and the format most appropriate for displaying the information
The first Monitoring wizard dialog allows you to perform a high-level selection of the domain and
VPN(s), then to choose specific network devices within the VPN. You can also select a
monitoring group, which is a predefined suite of VPN parameters to monitor.
(Directory) \\Program Files\Avaya\VPNmanger\Console\Syslog\
..\jre\bin\java SyslogServer “-Lc:\ProgramFiles\AvayaVPN\Syslog” [-Ssize] [-Pport] [-Nnumber]