Chapter 7 X330WAN CLI Commands
70 Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide
The syntax for this command is:
ip broadcast-address <bc addr>
ip broadcast-address
ip default-gateway
Use the ip default-gateway command to define a default gateway (router).
The no form of this command removes the default gateway.
The syntax for this command for the P332G-ML/P332GT-ML/P333R/P333R-LB is:
[no] ip default-gateway <ip-address>[<cost>][<preference>]
The syntax for this command for the X330WAN is:
[no] ip default-gateway {<ip-address> | <interface-type>
<interface-number>} [<cost>] [<preference>] [permanent]
To define the router at address as the default gateway:
Router-N(configure)# ip default-gateway
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# ip default-gateway 4 high
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# ip default-gateway Serial 1:1 permanent
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# no ip default-gateway
bc addr The broadcast IP address
ip-address The IP address of the router.
cost The path cost. The default is 1.
interface-type The interface type.
interface-number The interface name.
preference Preference, either High or Low. The default is Low.
permanent The route will not be disabled if the interface is down.