12. Alignment
Image 12-74
Main menu, alignment
Image 12-75
Alignment, Warping
Image 12-76
Warping, file service
Image 12-77
Rename warp file
Image 12-78
Warp fi les
Image 12-79
Rename file
2. Press ENTER to display the list of warp files.
3. Use the ▲ or ▼ key to select the file to rename. and press ENTER.
4. Use the ▲ or ▼ key to change the selected character.
Use the ◄ or ► key to select another character.
Note: Digits can be en tered with the digit k eys on the remote control or the loca l keypad. When a digit is entered in that way,
the next character will be selected automatically. Arrow key left (◄) has the backspace functionality.
5. Press ENTER to finalize the rename action.
12.8.20 Warp file service, delete file
How to delete
1. Press Menu to activate the menus and select Alignment → Warping → .Warp File Service → .Delete.
R5905032 HDX SERIES 02/03/2015