7. Start up of the adjustment mode
Use the ◄ or ► key to adjust the current value.
The bar scale will move accordingly.
Press EXIT to finalize the adjustment.
When the bar scale is displayed, via direct input. Press ENTER to activate the input field.
Image 7-4
Direct contrast adjustment
Enter the desired value with the digit keys. Press ENTER to accept.
Press EXIT to finalize the adjustment.
7.5 Menu memory
Each menu with sub menus, remembers its last selected sub item even when leaving the menu structure and that as long as the
projector is running. When restarting the projector from stand-by, the menu memory is reset.
After re-opening the main menu and selecting an item, the previous selected
sub item of that selected item is highlighted and can
be opened just by pressing ENTER.
7.6 Shortcut keys to the menus
About a shortcut key
The digit keys 5 to 9 can be customer programmed to directly open a pre-stored menu. That menu can be any independent menu
out of the list of menus. A menu which is built up by the content of a previous menu cannot be stored behind a shortcut.
How to use a shortcut key
While in the operational mode, no menu selected, just press on the desired digit key to open the menu behind that shortcut key.
How to create a shortcut key
Scroll to the desired menu. Press the digit key behind which the menu must be stored for 5 seconds. When the creation is success-
fully, a confirmation message appears on the screen. E.g. :
Image 7-5
Select Yes to confirm the creation.
To erase the shortcut, navigate to Proje
ctor Control → Buttons.
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