FAX-L1000 Chapter 2: Operating Instructions
d) V.34 G3 signal transmission test
The V.34 G3 signal transmission test menu is selected by pressing the numeric key 8 from
the MODEM NCU test menu. The V.34 G3 signals below are sent from the modem using
the modular jack and the speaker by pressing the Start/Scan button. The Baud rate can be
changed with the numeric keys, and the Speed can be changed with the search keys.
Numeric key Baud rate
0 3429 baud
1 3200 baud
2 3000 baud
3 2800 baud
4 2743 baud
5 2400 baud
Search key Speed
02.4 kbps
04.8 kbps
07.2 kbps
▲ 09.6 kbps
12.0 kbps
14.4 kbps
16.8 kbps
19.2 kbps
21.6 kbps
24.0 kbps
▼ 26.4 kbps
28.8 kbps
31.2 kbps
33.6 kbps
The transmission level for each baud rate and speed follows the service data.
e) DTMF signal transmission test
When numeric key 8 is pressed on the ISDN test menu,the DTMF signal transmission test
is selected. Press numeric key 1 or 2 to select one of two modems. This test sends a DTMF
signal from a modem with a speaker. The DTMF signal is transmitted according to the key
The transmission level of each signal depends on service date setting.