Cino MP3200 Printer User Manual

Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
GS ( A
[Name] Execute test print
[Format] ASCII GS ( A pL pH n m
Hex 1D 28 41 pL pH n m
Decimal 29 40 65 pL pH n m
[Range] (pL + (pH x 256)) = 2 (pL = 2, pH = 0)
[Description] Executes a specified test print.
pL and pH specify the number of parameters following n to (pL + pH x 256) bytes.
This command is effective only when processed at the beginning of the line in standard
If this command is processed while a macro is being defined, the printer cancels macro
definition and starts processing this command. At that time, the macro becomes
After processing this command, the printer performs a software reset. Executing this
command puts the printer in the same status as when the power is turned on. Transmit
commands or data after confirming the complete software reset.
In hexadecimal dump (m=1, 49) is specified, the printer prints a message. Transmit
commands or data after the printing.
When processing printer status printing(m = 2, 50), rolling pattern printing (m = 3, 51), and
automatic setting of paper layout (m = 64), real-time commands cannot be used.
95 Preliminary Rev. 02