Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
GS ( A
[Name] Execute test print
[Format] ASCII GS ( A pL pH n m
Hex 1D 28 41 pL pH n m
Decimal 29 40 65 pL pH n m
[Range] (pL + (pH x 256)) = 2 (pL = 2, pH = 0)
[Description] Executes a specified test print.
pL and pH specify the number of parameters following n to (pL + pH x 256) bytes.
This command is effective only when processed at the beginning of the line in standard
If this command is processed while a macro is being defined, the printer cancels macro
definition and starts processing this command. At that time, the macro becomes
After processing this command, the printer performs a software reset. Executing this
command puts the printer in the same status as when the power is turned on. Transmit
commands or data after confirming the complete software reset.
In hexadecimal dump (m=1, 49) is specified, the printer prints a message. Transmit
commands or data after the printing.
When processing printer status printing(m = 2, 50), rolling pattern printing (m = 3, 51), and
automatic setting of paper layout (m = 64), real-time commands cannot be used.
95 Preliminary Rev. 02