Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
In CODE B, following data can be used.
Character data: It is specified by ASCII code [in hexadecimal: 20H ~ 7FH / in decimal:
32~127] when specify "{", transmit “{{“ as 2 byte data (It is described separately).
Special character data: (FNC 1, FNC 2, FNC 3, FNC 4, SHIFT, CODE A, CODE C): It
is specified “{+ character code" as 2 byte.(It is described separately).
In CODE C, following data can be used.
Numerical data: It is specified each 2 digit as 1 byte by ASCII code
[in hexadecimal: 00H ~ 63H / in decimal: 0~99]
Example: When specify "012345", specify [in hexadecimal: 01H, 17H, 2DH / in
decimal: 1, 23, 45] as 3 byte.
Special character data: (FNC 1, CODE A, CODE B) : It is specified “{+ character code"
as 2 byte (It is described separately).
Special characters are defined by combining two characters "{+ an alphanumeric
character." The ASCII character "{" is defined by transmitting "{" twice consecutively.
Transmit data
Specific Character
ASCII Hex Decimal
SHIFT {S 7B, 53 123, 83
CODE A {A 7B, 41 123, 65
CODE B {B 7B, 42 123, 66
CODE C {C 7B, 43 123, 67
FNC1 {1 7B, 31 123, 49
FNC2 {2 7B, 32 123, 50
FNC3 {3 7B, 33 123, 51
FNC4 {4 7B, 34 123, 52
{ {{ 7B, 7B 123, 123
170 Preliminary Rev. 02