Cino MP3200 Printer User Manual

Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
GS ( k MaxiCode <Function 280>
[Format] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m d1…dk
Hex 1D 28 6B pL pH 32 50 30 d1…dk
Decimal 29 40 107 pL pH 50 80 48 d1…dk
[Range] 4 ҏ(pL + pH x ҏ256) ҏ200 (0 ҏpLn, 0 ҏpH ҏ0)
cn = 50
fn = 80
m = 48
0 ҏd ҏ255
k = (pL + pH x 256) – 3
[Description] Stores the MaxiCode symbol data ( in the symbol save area.
ҏData stored in the symbol save area by this function is processed by Function 281. The
data in the symbol save area are reserved after processing Function 281.
k bytes of are processed as the symbol data.
Settings of this function are effective until the following processing is performed:
 Function 080 or 180 or 280 or 780 or 880 or 980 is executed
 ESC @ is executed
 The printer is reset or the power is turned off
134 Preliminary Rev. 02