Cino MP3200 Printer User Manual

Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
For CODE128 ( m = 73) process
Make sure to specify start character. The start character must be code set selection
character (any of CODE A, CODE B, or CODE C) which selects the first code set.
Stop character is added automatically.
In CODE A, following data can be used.
 Character data: It is specified by ASCII code [in hexadecimal: 20H ~ 5FH in decimal:
 Control character data: It is specified by ASCII code [in hexadecimal: 00H ~ 1FH / in
decimal: 0~31]
 Special character data: (FNC 1, FNC 2, FNC 3, FNC 4, SHIFT, CODE B, CODE C):It is
specified “{+ character code" as 2 byte. (It is described separately.)
169 Preliminary Rev. 02