Cino MP3200 Printer User Manual

Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
GS ( k PDF417<Function 081>
[Format] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m
Hex 1D 28 6B 03 00 30 51 m
Decimal 29 40 107 03 00 48 81 m
[Range] (pL + pH x 256) = 3 (pL = 3, pH = 0)
cn = 48, fn = 81
m= 48
[Description] Encodes and prints the PDF417 symbol data in the symbol save area.
If there is any error described below in the data of the symbol save area, it can not be
 There is no data (Function 080 is not processed).
 If [(number of columns number of rows) < number of code word] when auto
processing is specified for number of columns and number of rows.
 Number of code word exceeds 928 in the data area.
 This command does not affect printing in standard mode.
The following data are added automatically by the encode processing.
 Start pattern and stop pattern.
 There is no data (Function 080 is not processed).
 The descriptor of symbol length (the first code word in the data area)
 The error correction code word calculated by modulus 929.
 Pad codeword.
124 Preliminary Rev. 02