Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
Data capacity
Characters: The characters can’t exceed 49 bytes. Following characters will spend
one byte, the others will spend two bytes.
Value Character Vaule Character
0025 P
2227 R
3328 S
4429 T
5530 U
6631 V
7732 W
9934 Y
10 A 35 Z
11 B 36 -
12 C 37 .
13 D 38 SPACE
14 E 39 $
15 F 40 /
16 G 41 +
17 H 42 %
18 I 43 S1(Shift1)
19 L 44 S2(Shift2)
20 K 45 FNC1(Function1)
21 L 46 FNC2(Function2)
22 M 47 FNC3(Function3)
23 N 48 NS(Numeric Shift)
24 O
157 Preliminary Rev. 02