Cino MP3200 Printer User Manual

Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
[Name] Set right-side character spacing
[Format] ASCII ESC SP n
Hex 1B 20 n
Decimal 27 32 n
[Range] 0ЉnЉ255
[Default] n = 0
[Description] Sets the right-side character spacing to nx (horizontal or vertical motion unit).
The character spacing set by this command is effective for alphanumeric and
user-defined character.
When characters are enlarged, the character spacing is n times normal value. The
character spacing for double-width mode is twice the normal value.
When standard mode is selected, the horizontal motion unit is used.
When page mode is selected, the vertical or horizontal motion unit is used for the print
direction set by ESC T.
 When the starting position is set to the upper left or lower right of the printing area
using ESC T, the horizontal motion unit is used.
 When the starting position is set to the upper right or lower left of the printing area
using ESC T, the vertical motion unit is used.
Settings of this command are effective until ESC @ is executed, the printer is reset, or the
printer is turned off.
It is used to change the spacing between characters.
35 Preliminary Rev. 02