Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
GS ( k RSS-14<Function 880>
[Format] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m d1…dk
Hex 1D 28 6B pL pH 38 50 30 d1…dk
Decimal 29 40 107 pL pH 56 80 48 d1…dk
[Range] (4 ҏ(pL + pH x ҏ256) ҏ2437 (0 ҏpLҏ255, 0 ҏpH ҏ 9)
cn = 56
fn = 80
m = 48
0 ҏd ҏ255
k = (pL + pH x 256) – 3
[Description] Stores the RSS-14 symbol data ( in the symbol save area.
Data stored in the symbol save area by this function is processed by Functions 881. The
data in the symbol save area are reserved after processing Function 881.
k bytes of are processed as symbol data.
Entering Data for RSS
Symbols of RSS-14 and RSS Limit can contain 13 digits of numeric data (0 though 9),
RSS Expanded can contain up to 20 characters of data in alphanumeric as well as special
character, FNC1. In such case, the printer adds Application Identifier, "01", automatically
hence not requiring manual data entry.
Entering Data for RSS + 2D CC
Within a data use | (vertical bar) to separate data for RSS symbol portion, which is in front
of the vertical bar, and 2D CC portion after the vertical bar to print data in RSS + 2D CC
151 Preliminary Rev. 02