18. QLogic iSCSI HBAs require the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator Service to be installed. The Service is required by Microsoft and is different from the full Microsoft iSCSI Software
19. EMC provides troubleshooting and other technical notes for MSCS cluster solutions. Visit EMC Powerlink and download part number 300−000−603 for the EMC Host Connectivity
Guide for Windows.
20. Any Microsoft supported server/NIC for the listed operating system revision is supported.
21. MS iSCSI Initiator 2.08 only supports PowerPath 5.2 or later.
Microsoft Windows 2008 [x86]
This table describes the support statements for iSCSI Clusters.
Microsoft Windows 2008 [x86]
No. Operating System Cluster Software Host Bus Adapter
Max #
Nodes Comments
1 Microsoft Windows 2008
[x86]: DataCenter
Enterprise Edition
Microsoft: Failover
11, 12, 13,
14, 15
11, 14,
Generic NIC GbE
20, 21
HA: 8 See
1, 3, 19
2 Microsoft Windows 2008
[x86]: DataCenter
Enterprise Edition
Standard Edition
Microsoft: Failover
11, 12, 13,
14, 15
11, 14,
QLogic: QLA4010−E−SP
10, 11, 18
, QLA4010C−E−SP
10, 11, 18
, QLA4050−E−SP
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18
, QLA4050C−E−SP
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18
, QLA4052C−E−SP
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18
, QLE4060C−E−SP
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
, QLE4062C−E−SP
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11
HA: 8 See
1, 2, 3
1. iSCSI based cluster configurations require Microsoft QFE 824354. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services for this QFE.
2. Booting from external array is supported for iSCSI clusters with QLA4010 iSCSI HBAs. Refer to Native iSCSI table for supported BIOS versions.
3. Microsoft Dynamic Disks are not supported.
4. Clustered hosts may access shared Symmetrix LUNs via iSCSI or Fibre Channel (iSCSI on one node, Fibre Channel on another.)
5. QLA4010 iSCSI boards booting from external storage require "Spanning Tree" features to be disabled on network switches used in the boot path.
6. Microsoft Initiator software version 2.0 and later automatically forces IQN's to lower−case. This may require array−side host access reconfiguration.
7. SPC−2 flag must be enabled for iSCSI Symmetrix configurations.
8. Configuration utility for QLogic iSCSI HBAs is QLogic SANsurfer available at http://www.qlogic.com
9. QLogic iSCSI HBAs require the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator Service to be installed. The Service is required by Microsoft and is different from the full Microsoft iSCSI Software
Initiator. Refer to the EMC Host Connectivity guide for additional information on Windows iSCSI components and the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator usage.
10. QLogic iSCSI HBAs are supported in any server listed in the ESM Fibre Channel tables that list support for the QLA2340 HBAs with the same operating system version listed here.
11. PowerPath 5.0.0 is not supported with Microsoft iSCSI Initiator software and Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS)
12. Support of MSCS only qualified for active−passive configuration
13. Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) in iSCSI supports minimum R26 Flare release version xx.26.xxx.5.007.
14. Microsoft iSCSI Initiator required. Refer to Native iSCSI table for currently supported initiator version.
15. Booting from external storage for iSCSI clusters is not supported.
16. Windows 2008 Server Core option is supported by EMC. Contact your server vendor to determine their support statement for Server Core.
17. Maximum number of iSCSI initiators that can log into an iSCSI target port is 8
18. QLogic iSCSI HBAs require the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator Service to be installed. The Service is required by Microsoft and is different from the full Microsoft iSCSI Software
19. EMC provides troubleshooting and other technical notes for MSCS cluster solutions. Visit EMC Powerlink and download part number 300−000−603 for the EMC Host Connectivity
Guide for Windows.
20. Any Microsoft supported server/NIC for the listed operating system revision is supported.
21. MS iSCSI Initiator 2.08 only supports PowerPath 5.2 or later.
03/04/2009 1012 CLARiiON AX150i