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ETC00303(1) BINOS E e (2.0) 11/00
Rosemount Analytical
8.6.1 Averaging:
Using a rotary regulator and a selectable multi-
plier (1x, 10x, 100x) an average can be calcu-
lated for data compression. To calculate the
average, the respective multiplier and the de-
sired value at the rotary regulator must be ad-
justed. The data will then be averaged.
Four spool buttons are available so the user can spool
forward, backwards, to the beginning and to the end of
the recorded text.
8.6.2 Spooling:
8.6.3 Recording:
The recorded data may be stored in
two formats:
a) As ASCII file
b) As recorder file
The recorder file can later be loaded
into the recorder again.
Using the ”Load” and ”Close” options,
any available file can be loaded or
closed again.
During the measurement no change of averaging is possible!